Your company's retirement plan is a valuable benefit for your employees. There are certain rules that must be followed, as per the Employee Retirement Income Security Act(ERISA). Every plan must have at least one named fiduciary that has control over the plan and its assets. ERISA requires fiduciaries to diversify the plan's investments; they must act in accordance with the plan's documents and policies and monitor the investments at a minimum annual basis. It is important to note that fiduciaries need not be investment advisors or administrators themselves; but by hiring outside experts to fill these roles, they are fulfilling their fiduciary services.
The Stoller Company understands the fiduciary's responsibilities and offers a full range of fiduciary services to help companies manage their retirement plans. We partner with our clients to:
Facilitate retirement plan fiduciary meetings, including a review with the investment professional, the plan documents and its operations.
Maintain a due diligence file for fiduciary meetings that includes notes, minutes, agendas, background information and supporting documentation.
Develop and update the Investment Policy Statement (IPS) to provide direction and guidelines. This will allow for the selection and ongoing monitoring of investment options and service providers under the plan.
Review the retirement plan in relation to new legislation and IRS/DOL regulations and work with the plan's fiduciary to make changes that bring it into accordance with new laws.
Evaluate and facilitate education and communication among the fiduciary and other retirement plan participants.
Ensure that the fiduciary and other plan administrators are adhering to guidelines for deposits and loans.
Review non-qualifying plan assets, including real estate, limited partnerships, etc., to make sure that they are in compliance.